Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Week 6 (2/5/2003) - Hindrances to Worship

Worship is our number one priority, and it is a transformational experience that results in re-commitment to God, evangelism, fellowship, conviction, repentance, edification and more. Satan is going to make it his first priory to find some way to impede our ability and desire to worship.

Things that hinder worship:

  • Distractions
  • Quarrels with others
  • Conflicts over doctrinal issues
  • Fear and self-consciousness
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Traditions

Fear of Man
John 12:42-43
The synagogue rulers saw who Jesus was and believed in him! But they chose to ignore those beliefs because they thought that there reputations, careers, etc. would be damaged. They let their fear of the Pharisees hold them back.

Romans 1:16
  • Do people at work know you're a Christian?

  • Are you reluctant to display Christian books, Bible, etc?

  • When evil is being flaunted, do you walk away or try to counter it?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable praying in a public restaurant?

Mark 8:38
Matthew 10:32-33

Contrast Difference between David and Michel
2 Samuel 6
1 Chronicles 15

  1. We are commanded to praise God.
  2. Those who criticize are not worshipping, they're observing.
  3. Refusing to worship may leave one spiritually barren.

Jesus condemns elevating traditions above God's laws.
Mark 7:6-13
Story of cutting off ends of ham.
KJV - "good enough for Peter and Paul, good enough for me.